
One Word

Q.1 Science of the races of mankind

1. Sociology
2. Ethonology
3. Psychology
4. Genealogy


Q.2 The animals of a Particular Region.

1. Fauna
2. Zoo
3. Flora
4. Park


Q.3 One who is a citizen not of a country but of the world

1. Internationalist
2. Philanthropist
3. Cosmopolitan
4. None of the above


Q.4 An involuntary action under a stimulus is described as a

1. Response
2. reflection
3. complex
4. reflex


Q.5 To run away with lover

1. cheat
2. deceive
3. elope
4. escape


Q.6 Arrangement in order of occurrence

1. timely
2. chronic
3. temporal
4. chronologinal


Q.7 A post with little work but high salary

1. Director
2. Sinecure
3. Trustee
4. Ombudsman


Q.8 Somethings that causes death

1. Dangerous
2. Fatal
3. Brutal
4. horrible


Q.9 A person who has no money to pay off his debts

1. Insolvent
2. Destitute
3. Pauper
4. Poor


Q.10 One who complies a dictionary

1. Lapidist
2. linguist
3. lexicographer
4. geographer


Q.11 A speakers platform

1. stage
2. stand
3. podium
4. pulpit


Q.12 A short trip or excusion

1. Jaunt
2. stroller
3. Rambler
4. Detour


Q.13 Person believing in free will

1. Guardian
2. tyrant
3. Humanitarian
4. Libertarian


Q.14 Small pieces of metal that fly our from an exploding bomb

1. Shrapnel
2. Splinters
3. Filing
4. Bullets


Q.15 All the arts, beliefs and social institutions etc characteristic of a race

1. Culture
2. Civilization
3. Infrastructure
4. Ritual


Q.16 All the arts, beliefs and social institutions etc characteristic of a race

1. Culture
2. Civilization
3. Infrastructure
4. Ritual


Q.17 Study of caves

1. Speloelogy
2. Sismology
3. topology
4. Numismatics


Q.18 A hater of knowledge and learning:

1. Bibliophile
2. Philologist
3. Misologist
4. Misogynist


Q.19 One who deliberately damagees other peoples property

1. Destructor
2. Arsonist
3. Vampire
4. Vandal


Q.20 Not suitable for eating `

1. spicy
2. inedible
3. Uneatable
4. Tasteless


Q.21 A study of ancient things

1. Physiology
2. Archaeology
3. Ethnology
4. Zoology


Q.22 A person who deserves all praise

1. detestable
2. despicable
3. lovable
4. laudable


Q.23 One who is skillful

1. diligent
2. disciplined
3. dexterous
4. different


Q.24 Of ones own free will

1. mandatory
2. obligatory
3. compulsory
4. voluntary


Q.25 one who has long experience

1. novice
2. expert
3. veteran
4. none of the above


Q.26 One who studies the pattern of voting in election

1. Cartographer
2. Anthropologis
3. Psephologist
4. Laxicographer


Q.27 Government by the rich is called

1. Plutocracy
2. Thearchy
3. Theocracy
4. Monarchy


Q.28 Murder of one"s children is called

1. Foeticide
2. Fillicide
3. Fratricide
4. Homicide


Q.29 Sound made by brakes

1. Drone
2. Jingle
3. Chrip
4. Screech


Q.30 Sound made by the camels is called

1. Mew
2. Grunt
3. Low
4. Clank


Q.31 A place where money is coined.

1. Bank
2. Mint
3. Firm
4. Parliament


Q.32 The process by means of which plants and animals breathe.

1. Respiration
2. Germination
3. Absorption
4. Transpiration


Q.33 One who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men.

1. Critic
2. Connoisseur
3. Pedant
4. Cynic


Q.34 Property inherited from one's father or ancestors.

1. Patrimony
2. Mercenary
3. Hereditary
4. Aristocracy


Q.35 A person who is womanish in his habits

1. Feminist
2. Philogynist
3. Effeminate
4. Feminine


Q.36 One who is converted from one religion to another

1. Pilgrim
2. Polytheist
3. Proselyte
4. Presbyte


Q.37 A narrow stretch of land connecting two large bodies of land.

1. Lagoon
2. Cape
3. Isthumus
4. Strait


Q.38 An animal which lives by preying on other animals

1. Aggressor
2. Attacker
3. Terminator
4. Predator


Q.39 Government or rule by a small group of people

1. Monarchy
2. Oligarchy
3. Autocracy
4. Autonomy


Q.40 No longer a child, but not yet an adult

1. Youngster
2. Juvenile
3. Adolescent
4. Yokel