
Science Set 1

Q.1 Light Emitting Diode (LED) convert

1. Mechanical energy into electrical energy
2. Thermal energy into light energy
3. Light energy into electrical energy
4. Electrical energy into lightl energy


Q.2 Junk e-mail is also called

1. spam
2. spoof
3. Sniffer script
4. Spool


Q.3 Which of the following refers to a small, signal_site network

1. DSL
2. LAN
3. WAN
4. ROM


Q.4 MS-WORD is an Example of

1. output device
2. operating system
3. application software
4. input device


Q.5 Which one of the following computer memory is a temporary and also volatile ?

1. RAM
2. Hard disk
3. ROM


Q.6 A computer cannot boot if it does not have the

1. Loader
2. Compiler
3. Operating system
4. Assembler


Q.7 Where is modem connected?

1. Phone line
2. Printer
3. Mother board
4. Processor


Q.8 First computer virus is known as

1. Elk Cloner
2. SCA Virus
3. Rabbit
4. Creeper Virus


Q.9 1024 bit is equal to how many byte

1. 4 Byte
2. 64 Byte
3. 128 Byte
4. 32 Byte


Q.10 .gif is an extension of

1. Video file
2. Image file
3. Music file
4. Text file


Q.11 Which company bought the popular video teleconferencing software 'Skype'

1. Google
2. Accenture
3. Oracle
4. Microsoft


Q.12 ORACLE is a

1. Operating System
3. Interpreter
4. Compiler


Q.13 When was the first e-mail sent?

1. 1973
2. 1972
3. 1971
4. 1974


Q.14 The process of copying a Web page or file from a server on to your computer is called:

1. Downloading
2. Uploading
3. File hosting
4. E-mailing


Q.15 ISP stands for:

1. International Security Provide
2. Internet Service Provide
3. Internet Software Package
4. None of these


Q.16 Which of the following is an example of a binary number?

1. B1SCD0
2. 100101
3. 001365
4. 568974


Q.17 Which of the following is a correct format of Email address?

1. buy.website.com
2. buy@website@com
3. [email protected]
4. @buy.com


Q.18 What is the shortcut key of printing a document for computer having windows?

1. Alt + P
2. Ctrl + Shift + P
3. Ctrl + P
4. Ctrl + Alt + P


Q.19 Which of the following storage devices can be used for storing large backup data?

1. Floppy disk
2. Magnetic tape
3. Hard disk
4. All of these


Q.20 Date and Time are available on the desktop at

1. Keyboard
2. Recycle Bin
3. Task bar
4. My Computer


Q.21 In a photocell light energy is converted into

1. chemical Energy
2. heat Energy
3. electrical Energy
4. potential Energy


Q.22 Helium gas is used in gas balloons instead of hydrogen gas because it is

1. more stable
2. non-combustible
3. more abundant than hydrogen
4. lighter than hydrogen


Q.23 The chambers in a human heart is

1. Two
2. Four
3. Five
4. Three


Q.24 Steel contains

1. 5-10% carbon
2. more than 10% carbon
3. 0.1%-2% carbon
4. no carbon


Q.25 Cokking gas is a mixure of

1. carbon and propane
2. carbon dioxide and oxygen
3. carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
4. methane and ethylene